How Can Your Business Help in Saving Our Planet

Join Ben Fogle, explorer, television presenter, wildlife enthusiast and Patron of the Wilderness for the United Nations environment program in the the first episode of Be the Change in 2022 podcast a series of conversations organized by One Carbon World in collaboration with the United Nations Climate Neutral Now initiative.

One Carbon World is a climate positive, not-for-profit organization.

We are also a global resource partner of the Climate Neutral Now initiative launched by the United Nations.

We're registered in the UK and have operations in over 31 countries offering advice and support on measuring reducing and rebalancing the emissions of large and small organizations.

We've already secured a commitment to reducing and retiring over 20 million tons of CO2 from the atmosphere.

Join Ben in Episode 1

As everyone knows, cop 27 is bringing parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris agreement and the UN framework convention on climate change. Egypt's cop 27 presidency vision is to move from negotiations and planning to implementation.

Aligned with this Vision, One Carbon World aimed to promote immediate action and strengthen its joint agenda with the UN in the mitigation of the effects of climate change through Swift voluntary action.

Episode 1

The main goal of this podcast is to present to you, inspirational stories and innovative solutions, reach more individuals and organizations worldwide and encourage them to commit to do everything in their power and to do it now.

This first episode is called Africa Leadership, Inspiration and Sustainability. An exciting topic and more than timely as cop27 is happening in Africa at the moment. The African continent can indeed lead the way in sustainable development demonstrating the importance of promoting inclusion and inspiring sustainability through international cooperation and collaboration.

As a wildlife enthusiast, Ben has worked and explored different African countries and seen how sustainable development is key to conservation and the protection of our environment.

Grant Funding

Apply for Grant Funding Now

Designed to aid you in measuring, reducing and balancing emissions, the grant fund is your organisation's route to successful sustainable development. With the support of the One Carbon World team, you can begin your net zero journey today and implement positive change for both people and the planet.