Baseline your emissions
and achieve your
Science Based Target

We start by understanding your current carbon performance, looking at both your emissions footprint and sequestration potential. From here, we build a Net Zero Roadmap, support you to implement it, and track the results.


Measure & Verify Carbon Emissions

We specialise in measuring and verifying carbon emissions for your business, providing accurate data and insights across Scopes 1, 2 and 3

Calculate: GHG protocol corporate foot printing
Verify: Compliance verification with established standards
Disclose: Compliant reporting for stakeholders

Measure & Verify Carbon Removals

We specialise in measuring and verifying carbon removals, within or beyond your own operations and value chain.

Calculate: measure carbon stocks sequestered
Verify: Authenticate annual carbon removals
Disclose: Compliant reporting for stakeholders

Reporting emissions and removals to SBTi

We will support you to report emissions and removals, set science-based targets, collect emissions data, calculate and verify emissions, prepare a comprehensive report, and submit to SBTi.

"At SailGP we are powered by nature, that is why it was vital for us to work with a partner that not only supports the highest standards in nature based solutions but also sets examples of best industry practice. The OCW grant fund provided us with a comprehensive verification of our carbon footprint and rebalancing of our emissions across all 3 Scopes in a cost efficient manner and great social impact."

Transition and Innovation Manager

Sail GP


Sports and Sustainable Events

Find our how sports and sporting events have an impact and a role to play within the climate action movement from though leaders across sports, including Olympic Committee, UCI, World Surf Leagure and more.

Frequently asked questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about our services and initiatives.

How can OCW help me measure or validate my organisation's footprint?

Each organisation has a unique and different carbon footprint. That is why One Carbon World and its team of technical experts can now report on over 7000 calculations. Our team will guide you through this process and will help you to measure your Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. We first invite you to select a date and time for a phone consultation with your dedicated technical expert. During the technical call, our expert will explain the emissions sources that we will include and the methodologies we will apply. We will guide you through the data collection procedure and also review any data you have already collected, if applicable. We always attach a guide for data collection for reference. If you have made a self-assessment of your carbon footprint we will talk you through the OCW UN approved verification process. Once we receive your data, our experienced team of carbon auditors will calculate your carbon footprint, and this will be sent for independent external validation

What type of data will I need to generate an organisational carbon footprint?

Generating an organisational carbon footprint involves collecting various types of data to comprehensively assess the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the organisation's activities. Some activities are mandatory to include when calculating a carbon footprint and collectively are often referred to as operational emissions. These include:

Building fuels This relates to fuels used within a company’s owned or controlled buildings. For example, this may include natural gas use.

• Transport fuels This relates to fuels used in company cars, fleet vehicles, and on-site transport. For example, this may include fuels like petrol, diesel, LPG etc.

Fugitive releasesThis relates to unintentional or intentional releases from physical and chemical processes. For example, this may include refrigerant leakages from air conditioning systems.

• Purchased energy This includes a company’s purchased electricity, steam, heat and cooling. Collecting data in these categories is essential for generating a meaningful organisational carbon footprint. This data serves as the foundation for developing effective operational emission reduction strategies and sustainability initiatives.

As part of our best practice support, we can also dedicate part of your technical consultation to discussing your Scope 3 emissions. OCW will set out clear steps of what information we will need in order to calculate these. Initially, for scope 3 emissions, this is likely to be spend based data which can act as a good screening exercise to identify emission hot spots across the value chain. Including scope 3 emissions within a carbon footprint results in a more robust and complete assessment of your impact on the climate, so that you can demonstrate best practice to your stakeholders and start to engage with your suppliers earlier to encourage them to take action.

What can measuring my organisation's carbon footprint tell me?

Measuring your organisation's carbon footprint provides valuable insights into the extent of its greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact. This data enables informed decision-making for implementing targeted emission reduction strategies, identifying areas for improvement in resource efficiency, and setting realistic sustainability goals. Understanding your carbon footprint is a foundational step in developing and implementing effective carbon management and reduction initiatives. It also allows you to demonstrate best practice to your stakeholders, protect the reputation of your organisation, and enhance your visibility and credentials.

Why are SBT’s important for companies?

SBTs are crucial for companies as they provide a clear and science-backed pathway for reducing emissions, contributing to global efforts to combat climate change. Achieving SBTs not only aligns businesses with international climate goals but also enhances their sustainability and competitiveness. According to the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), science-based target setting future-proofs growth, saves money, provides resilience against regulation, boosts investor confidence, and spurs innovation, while also demonstrating concrete sustainability commitments to regulators, consumers and investors.

What is the Kyoto Protocol?

The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty established in 1997 with the aim of addressing global climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Under the protocol, participating developed countries committed to specific emission reduction targets during the first commitment period (2008-2012). The agreement introduced market-based mechanisms, such as emissions trading and the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), to facilitate cost-effective emission reductions. While the Kyoto Protocol marked an important step in international efforts to combat climate change, subsequent agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, have evolved to involve a broader range of nations and implement more ambitious and inclusive emission reduction goals.

Grant Funding

Apply for Grant Funding Now

Designed to aid you in measuring, reducing and balancing emissions, the grant fund is your organisation's route to successful sustainable development. With the support of the One Carbon World team, you can begin your net zero journey today and implement positive change for both people and the planet.